Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Be Ready with Your Heart Always Turned to Your Creator God
Message from Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on November 13, 2024

Most Holy Mary:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I bless you. I am with you in this holy Rosary and with you I beseech the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ for each of you, for each of His children, for all those who are pleading for His mercy for their personal situations.
My Beloved children, oh you who have decided to follow the Lord with all your heart, verily, I cloak you in My bosom, I bear you in My bosom, I cloak you to Me, I lead you through the ways of this earth lifting you up from the ugliest, most painful weather, My children.
Embrace this cross and carry it forward with all your heart, with great love, as Jesus had done for you, for your salvation to remove you from this deadly situation.
Oh, if you had accepted Him at that time, oh if you had loved Him, oh if you had recognized Him, My children, today you would all have been in a new Earth and in a new Heaven, in a new life. You would have already had the graces of Heaven and a life in the infinite joy of Love. You would have already laid your feet in this marvelous Garden, fragrant with so many flowers dedicated to you, as the Lord's offerings for His most beautiful Lilies, which are you, His children. He would have placed you in this sacred place, in this place where you would never need anything again because the Lord would support you in everything, He would give you His own light and His own life, you would be with Him forever.
My children, My hands are joined to yours, My Heart is joined to your heart. I feel the beats of your little heart, I feel you in Me My children, and I caress it,(your little heart), I caress it, I comfort it and give it the strength to be able to go on for this little time that remains for you on this Earth.
With the Warning every child of God will be lifted up and brought to a new place where he will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and be prepared for a new situation here on Earth because the battle is to be fought, My children, and you will come back down. Many of you will come back down with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to pave the way for these poor creatures who have disowned God and joined Satan in this hell that will also happen on Earth, in this hell that they will go through, who have sought themselves because they joined Satan and sought refuge on this Earth. They have directed their thoughts, their perspectives into this world, a world that now, My children, will end. Nothing will remain of what you see standing , nothing, everything will be destroyed. The Earth will be razed to the ground, My children, everything will grow new after purification and a new people, a new generation will grow in absolute faithfulness to its Creator God.
This is what God wants and God is preparing this way for His children, to have them always with Himself and to dedicate everything of Himself to them. Behold, He is about to take the situation back into His hands, take it back into Himself, and lead Him, lay His hand on each one of you, as in His intent it was to be Paradise for His children, this Earth for His children, to be inhabited immediately even then in creation. Here He will finally succeed in this intent because many children truly will be in absolute faithfulness to Him.
Organize Prayer Cenacles. This is a Holy Cenacle, My children. Here, on this Hill, I am always with you and together with Me is all of Heaven. Here, there are Angels protecting this place, dancing in circles, in circles, in this place in order to bring health to you all and the wonderful gifts for a new life. Come, My children, let us pray intensely and unceasingly. Time is now on the ropes. Anything could happen any day, any moment. Be ready with your heart always turned to your Creator God. Always love and worship Him in every situation. Embrace your cross.
Amen. Little more, little more, My children, I assure you, little more.
Source: ➥